Pregnancy FAQ

FAQ's for Pregnancy

**We attempt to keep the content on our web site current; however, because information changes rapidly in the healthcare field, the site should not be relied upon as comprehensive or error-free. Individuals are encouraged to consult a qualified healthcare provider for medical advice. Central Clinic For Women’s web site is intended as an educational and informational tool. It is not intended to render diagnoses of diseases or treat illness. If you feel you have symptoms of any of the disease processes or illnesses you find on this site, please visit your personal physician. The information presented on this site does not constitute an attempt to practice medicine.**
Can I get a flu shot while pregnant?
Yes! It’s ok to get the flu shot and TB skin test at any point during pregnancy. You can also continue taking Allergy Injections.

Is it ok to see my dentist while pregnant? 
Yes, it is ok to see dentist. However it is important to take precautions when having x-rays. Only do an x-ray if it’s necessary but always shield yourself with a lead apron. Local anesthesia is ok but do not use gas.

I can’t get comfortable when I’m sleeping. What advice do you have for sleeping at night?
You may have trouble finding a comfortable sleeping position as your pregnancy progresses. Try lying on your left side with one leg crossed over the other. Also try placing a pillow between your legs in this position for extra comfort. This way will improve circulation and reduce swelling of your ankles and feet.

What can I do about swollen feet, hands and ankles?
Push water and elevated feet and legs at every available opportunity. Also, its very important to watch food labels and avoid all sodium products as this will help retain fluid.

I have varicose veins! Is this normal?
Varicose veins are common during pregnancy so do not be alarmed. They are caused by swelling of blood vessels in your legs. To prevent or minimize discomfort, avoid standing or sitting for long periods of time, elevate your legs, move around frequently and wear support panty hose for pregnancy.

Can I travel while I’m pregnant? 
Yes! You can take trips via car, plane or other transportation as long as you empty your bladder often and do not sit and hold bladder. During car travel you need to stop at least once every 2 hours to get out and walk around, stretch her legs and empty bladder. No travel period after 36 weeks.

I have a sore throat. What can I take to alleviate it?
You can use Chloraseptic spray or gargle, Salt water gargle, and Cepacol lozenges. 

What should I do if I’m running a fever?
Take Tylenol as directed.

I’m nauseated all the time and I vomit a lot. What can I do?
Vitamin B6 100mg twice daily and doxylamine 25m at bedtime. Call office for a prescription of Phenergan tablets or suppositories.
• It’s very important to stay well hydrated by sipping on juices, water, popsicles, Gatorade, and decaffeinated beverages between meals.
• Eat several small meals (5-6 ) times a day.
• Avoid high fat foods like gravies, cream sauce, high fat cheese, butter, fried or greasy foods. Also, stay away from highly seasoned foods- garlic, onion, pepper, chili powder. It’s best to avoid large meals.
• Avoid sudden movements with positional changes like getting out of a chair or bed.
• Wake up slowly; take five or six minutes.
• Before going to bed, place some dry cereal, toast or crackers within reach of the bed or over the counter Tums.

I’m having nose and gum bleeds. Is this normal?
Having nose bleeds and nasal congestion is common in pregnancy.

What should I do if I develop mouth ulcers?  
If you develop mouth ulcers its ok to use a mouth swish- equal parts of Mylanta and Benadryl. You can also swish with Chloraseptic gargle.

I have leg cramps. What should I do? 
When you legs cramp its ok to take Oscal calcium twice daily or increase potassium intake like bananas. This will help decrease the occurrences of leg cramping

I can't sleep! Can I take any medication to help?
Yes. You can use Unisom, Benadryl, or Tylenol P.M.

Acceptable "Over the Counter" Medications for OB's

What should I do if I develop a cold or have sinus problems?
You make take any of the following 
• Actifed, Drixoral, Dimetapp, Sine-aid, Tylenol Cold & Sinus, Chlor-trimeton, Sudafed.
• Salt water nose drops may be used, i.e. Ayr Nasal Spray.
• Benadryl or Tylenol for headaches, fever and aches.
• Robitussin DM for chest congestion and cough.

You CAN NOT use: Ibuprofen or Aspirin or commercial nasal sprays like Afrin. 

I have allergies. What can I take for that?
For allergies, you can take Claritin, or Benadryl. Antihistamines are great to use if you have an allergic reaction to meds, soaps, detergents, etc. and for rash and itching.

I’m having a lot of heartburn and indigestion. Can I take any medication for that?
Yes! Heartburn and indigestion are common in pregnancy. You can use Maalox Plus, Riopan, Mylanta, Tums or Rolaids, Gaviscon. 
Do Not use Pepto Bismol - it includes aspirin.

I’m having constipation. What should I do?
Constipation is normal in pregnancy. For relief you may use the following
• Surfak, Konsyl, Fibercon, Metamucil, Senokot, MOM
• Consider taking a stool softener daily like Colae

Remember to drink plenty of fluids to help prevent constipation. Also remember to increase daily natural fiber intake such as bran cereal, raw fruits, vegetables and unsweetened juice.

I have diarrhea. What can I do?
You can take any of the following
 • Imodium AD, Kaopectate
Follow the BRAT diet - Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Tea, or Toast
It's important to also stay well hydrafted, plenty of fluids, water, or Gatorade

I’ve developed hemorrhoids. Is there anything I can do? 
Yes! You an use Anusol cream or suppositories, Preparation H, or Tucks. Also sitz baths are very helpful to relieve discomfort (shallow warm/soapy tub bath). Be sure to increase your fiber intake or take stool softeners daily and increase fluids to keep stools soft.

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